Saturday, June 19, 2010

Last night on the couch!

Well, tonight may well be the last night on the couch.  I'm rolling over fairly easily onto my right side.  the swelling is...well not too bad.  I can sit for fair periods...and am actually feeling like going upstairs to bed.  Course, the hubby will have to get used to getting hit for snoring ...and not hogging the whole damn bed, but .. we are returning to normal now.  Bit by bit by bit!

The scar is getting slowly more flesh like, the swelling made the area around it hard and stiff.

I'm probably actually going out tonight for the first time since the surgery.  My nephew, in the Navy, is in town and this may be the last shot at seeing him for a very long time.  Plus if I get tired..we go home.  It's as simple as that...or just lay down on a couch or spare bed for a little bit.  That's the biggest problem with work.  When the need to lay down comes on, I NEED to lay down. Plain and simple.  So, may be another week before work is possible, or maybe start with half days.  Time will tell.

8:30 am Dr. appt. tomorrow at the Hospital.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

One week with one kidney

Hard to believe it's been probably exactly a week since they lifted the Righteous Kidney out and took her to another room.  To spend the rest of her useful days inside another body, helping him help others.  The Lone Ranger stepped up and began to perform solo to perfection.  Sometimes almost a little too well, for my liking.  Trying to figure how to get up off the bed and into the bathroom with speed, post surgery, can be a rough way to wake up!  Nice to know both of mine are strong and capable.

I am beginning to really feel pretty good.  Only pain killers since, early Saturday are Tylenol.  And those are infrequent too.  So much for the predicted pain.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Lone Ranger Rides!

Can I just say...for a one kidney wonder...I am peeing a whole whole lot!  Granted, it is a major focus of my days...but this little Lone Ranger is doing an awesome job of working at filtering my blood!  I am seriously impressed at the bodies ability to recoup and compensate.

I'll have to take time in a bit and post the whole hospital process which was incredible.  The staff, the people, the whole experience was terrific.  My kidney now happily resides in a handsome tall dark, ... you got it... Man!! :-)  Best of all, Joe is a personal trainer and I know he will appreciate the training rides I took his kidney on and will continue the good care!

Opps...bathroom calling...again!  I am a Champion!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Three Days and a wake up!

It's a glorious Saturday morning...the hubby is mowing the lawn, the sun is shining and it's a tad warm, but then, this is summer time in New Jersey!

Went to the hospital yesterday morning for one last blood letting.  Only around 5 or 6 vials this time.  This is for the final cross match with my recipient.  Kind of nerve racking.   If for some reason there is reactivity ... then everything gets stopped.  I know for a fact Vicky is nervous too.  So incredibly close and yet, until we are in the hospital and in the operating rooms.. it could still come to a halt.

One more person at work now knows.  Our financial wizard, aka head of finance.  He needed to know what was going on with Pete being out on family leave, so Pete felt the need to tell him why I was out at exactly the same.  To my surprise he is totally honoring our wishes for "silence" and came over to wish me luck.  All this with a look of total surprise.

So Tuesday June 8th at around 5 in the morning...we will be leaving the house to drive over, get parked and get this party started.

I've had another reminder of what is possible with one kidney.  My beautiful sister-in-law, Laura, is in Macon Georgia, doing another 1/2 Ironman.  14 years after the removal of her kidney (along with the tumor that weighed more than 7.5 lbs.)  So...who knows, maybe I'll get faster AND stronger afterwards.

It's taken me till now to really wrap my head around the fact that other people find this such a strange thing to do.  To me this really does just seem natural.  Or maybe it's just that this is the exact place and space I'm supposed to be in.  The exact road I'm meant to travel and that's why it feels so perfectly right and comfortable.

My dad calls from Olympia WA, nearly every day.  Just checking up on his daughter....making sure I feel ok.  And I do.  Andy calls too, sort of surprised that I was still at work, but honestly...why not??? I have things to do lists to leave people to "train".  I plan on being in work on Monday too!  What else am I going to do....clean house...I don't thinks so.  I have a lovely plaque in the family room given by a co worker years ago.  "Housework causes warts" !  I believe! I believe!

Ah well off to do, just work, cause after all it's only, oh hell, 2 days and a wake up!!